Shore to Shore road race coming August 4th

Click here to register

Family Fun Day at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre. The Rotary Club of Wiarton gave a $400 sponsorship for this Family Day Event, hosted by Terri Hastings Keller Williams Real Estate.

Rotarian Randy Curran presents a contribution to the Peninsula Shores District School's Breakfast Club! Healthy breakfasts make for better learning! Wiarton Rotary helping to get the day started on the right foot!

Rotarian Mike Mason presents a financial donation from the Club to Wiarton Salvation Army's Roni Delleman for the purchase of Hams for the 2024 Christmas Hampers initiative.

Wiarton Rotarian Cory Young presents a cheque to members of The Sustainability Project & Youth Climate Action Conference Committee to assist with costs to transport students from our local schools to the Harmony Centre in Owen Sound for a full day of programming around Climate Change. In addition, some of the funds will be used to assist schools with their Climate Action Projects that they will be working on over the next several months to be presented at Earth Day in 2025. Students from Wiarton, Lions Head and Hepworth will be attending the conference.

On behalf of the Club, Rotarian Mike Mason presents a Cheque to the Wiarton 4H Clubs in support of their participation at the Royal Winter Fair in Toronto. Pictured with Rotarian Mike are 4H Members Kara & Hunter along with their Jersey calves, Carol & Mudpie. "Youth Doing Good Things!"

Cory Young, owner of Hen House Hair and the newest member of our Rotary Club, presents a cheque to the SBP Fire Fighters to support the upcoming 2024 Toy Drive. We appreciate ALL that the fire fighters do to assist our community and we thank them for their support as road marshalls during our Shore to Shore Race. Thanks also for looking after the children in our community!

"A world with no ice"... a video confronting the horrors of climate change (20 min.)

Zero Waste is not about Recycling more, but about Recycling less

The Rotary Foundation makes good things happen, a video

Rotary Provides Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene video

The Rotary Foundation Fights Disease video

Rotary Youth Exchange Promo Video

"NEW" Rotary Voices Podcast

When YOU support our fundraisers YOU support OUR COMMUNITY!

Would you like to know more about Rotary? Would you like to join our club? Attend a dinner meeting? We would love to hear from you. Send us an email at:

[email protected]

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