The Rotary Club of Wiarton provides many opportunities for youth in our community and around the world. These include....
Phoenix Interact.
This active group, at Peninsula Shores District School, includes students between the ages of 12 and 18. Together they organize and participate in fundraising events, in order to support both local and global initiatives. Their numerous projects have included support for the Music and Art Programs at PSDS, donations to Habitat for Humanity, Hand Up , WES for Youth, Firemen’s Toy Drive and many donations to both the Food Bank and Animal Shelter and a contribution towards furniture for a school in rural Peru. In addition, they have purchased numerous Shelter Boxes to aid those homeless after a natural disaster. All PSDS students between grades 7 and 12 are invited to join. Please attend one of our meetings. Listen to the morning announcements for time and location.
Rotary Youth Exchange
"A Rotary exchange is not a year in your life, it is a life in one year."
The Rotary Youth Exchange Program allows students between the ages of 14 and 17 to study and live in another country for a full year. The students live with carefully selected host families and attend local schools. They learn a new language, learn about another culture and have the time of their lives!!
Outbound student(s) are selected each September. They leave on exchange the following August and return to Canada eleven months later.
Parents and students are invited to attend an information session, held each September, to learn more about this exciting exchange opportunity. Students need to be between 15 years and 18.5 years old on August 1, 2023 and they must NOT have graduated from high school before their exchange.
Students and parents are STRONGLY encouraged to attend an information session when the student is in grade 9 or 10.

There is a LOT to do to prepare for a year-long exchange and having the information a year or two in advance of applying is normally very helpful. If you wish more information, please email us at [email protected] and we will have someone contact you.
In the meantime, you can access LOTS of information about this exchange program at
D6330 RYE | Rotary District 6330 (
Virtual Youth Exchange Program Promo video